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H1 H7 H4 Canbus Warning Canceler Error Free H1 H4 H7 H11 D2S LED Headlight Bulbs Decoder

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This lsiting features on TWO pieces H7 super upgrade canbus error free LED headlights anti flicker decoder.
This item will ensure LED bulbs light up full power to prevent OBC error message (on board computer) and fast turn signal blinking issue after installing SMD LED light bulb.
For bulb size: H7
100% brand new, shown as pictured
Good for headlight (low/high beam) as well as fog lights
Fix most power fluctuation issues such as flickering, radio interference, LED light turning off when engine starts
Easy installation, No mechanic required
Voltage: 9V-16V DC
This LED decoder is polar sensitive, if you plug in this decoder and LED bulb does not light up, please flip the adapter 180 degrees and try again
It will NOT work on switchback LED bulbs. This decoder may not work for all vehicles, such as Chrysler, Dodge, or European vehicles that headlight wattage lower than 55W halogen bulb related"bulb out" issue showing on the car board computer
Please follow the installation diagram blow to connect the decoders to your wiring system. The load resistor are very HOT while working, please attach/mount them to metal part. (Please make sure the power is OFF during installation.)
1. Sinolyn Series LED Headlight Anti-Flicker are Designs for Fixing LED Headlight Failure, Bulb Rejection, Hyper Flashing, Eliminate Error Codes, Cancels Radio Interference, etc,.
2. More Efficiently Solve Vehicles Power Issues from Upgrading to LED Headlight Bulbs. Stops Flickering and Cancels Error Warning Messages.
3. Work with most After Market LED Headlight Kits, this decoder can solve most of auto headlight issues.
4. Fit For Most Of Cars Which With Canbus System.
5. 4 Types Decoder For Your Selection. H1,H4,H7 H11,D2S And D2H .
6. Easy Connection. Wires To Plug And Pay, Safe.
7. Voltage Input : 9V-16V
Package includes:
2 x LED Warning Canceler Decoders
One Year Warranty