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x2 CanBus HB4 SMD LED front fog lamps Lastwiderstand Widerstand 9006

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CanBus HB4 SMD LED front fog lamps Lastwiderstand Widerstand 9006
Solve the error problem shown from the computer after installing the LED fog light.
It works as warning canceler, decoder, capacitor, or blinker rapid flash equalizer to ensure no error message for LED Light. Install: The load resistor on the bypass wiring is very hot, please mount it to the metal. This LED decoder will work for European vehicles such as Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volkswagen for fog lights and ensure the LED bulbs light up full power without malfunction issue nor flickering issue; Note: failure due to the different models modified LED lights for different reasons, so we can not guarantee that all car failure problems can be solved.